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All You Need to Know About CIPMN

Published: Oct 21, 2016
All You Need to Know About CIPMN

The Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria was established as an umbrella Association for Personnel Management Practitioners in 1968. In 1973, it was renamed as Institute of Personnel Management of  Nigeria. Finally, Act No 58 of 1992 chartered the Institute.

It represents Nigeria in the World Federation of Personnel Management Associations as a member country. This Nigerian Institute Of Personnel Management is authorized by Nigerian law to regulate the practice of management of human resource in Nigeria.

To enable it to do so, it has set up highly ethical benchmarks, best practices, and standards in personnel management and enforces them strictly. It encourages its members to obtain the requisite personnel management skills and knowledge and apply them in their careers.

It even raises the standards periodically to keep abreast of world developments in personnel management. It maintains a register of members and lists the members through its publications.

CIPMN Membership

CIPMN offers three categories of membership, namely individual, honorary, and corporate. The different professional grade members of the institute have designations named Fellow FCIPM, Full Member MCIPM, and Associate ACIPM. The Fellow designation is the highest of the three offered designations.

Individual membership of the institute is offered in 6 grades. Three of them are non-professional and the other three are professional grades. The 3 non-professional grades of membership have the designation of student, affiliate, and graduate respectively.

Professional status of membership is granted after a non-professional member either passes some qualifying exams or performs a core HR function for an extended time period. Professional membership of the institute helps a personnel manager chart a clear career path and scale new highs in it.

To become a professional member of the institute, you will have to register at CIPM and pass the CIPM exams. If you want, you can also register for the virtual classes (e-class) conducted by CIPM to enable you to cover the qualifying exam course.

The minimum academic eligibility for the CIPM exam is the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) with credit in five subjects, which must include English Language and Mathematics. Ordinary pass in either English Language or Mathematics may be considered for applicants with a Bachelor’s Degree/Higher National Diploma.


The CIPM exam curricula covers 2 Foundation level courses, 2 Intermediate level courses and 2 Professional level courses. Accordingly you need to pass 6 different exams, 2 each at the foundation, intermediate and professional levels.

The examining process is in 6 stages, which are:

Foundation I

  • Introduction to Management
  • Writing and Communication Skills
  • Introduction to Economics
  • Introduction to Accounting
  • Fundamentals of Psychology & Sociology

Foundation II

  • Introduction to Personnel Management and Industrial Relations
  • Nigerian Business Environment
  • Business Law
  • Computer Application and Management Information System
  • Government and Nigerian Legal System

Intermediate I

  • Business Administration
  • Advanced Economics
  • Accounting and Finance for Managers
  • Business Statistics and Social Research Methods

Intermediate II

  • Training and Development
  • Public Administration
  • Manpower Planning
  • Comparative Management and Administration

Professional I

  • Operations Research
  • Organisational Behaviour and Performance
  • Insurance and Pension Management
  • Advanced Human Resource Management I

Professional II

  • Nigerian Labour Law
  • Advanced Industrial Relations
  • Advanced Human Resource Management II

Examination Dates

The examinations are held February and August every year. Full information about the examination is contained in the syllabus and applicants are enjoined to read it carefully. Candidates must have been admitted as student members at least one month before the examination date.

Exemption Provisions:
Foundation I is the starting point for holders of WASSCE/NECO/GCE Ordinary Level. They must however possess the minimum entry requirements.

  1. Holders of OND/NCE and or its equivalent in the Social Sciences, Humanities and Management courses shall begin from Foundation II.
  2. Holders of Bachelor’s Degree/HND in the Social Sciences, Humanities and Management courses shall begin from Intermediate II.
  3. Holders of Bachelor’s Degree/HND in other disciplines shall begin from Intermediate I
  4. Candidates who are 30 years and above with a minimum of five (5) credits which must include English Language and Mathematics at “O” level and its equivalent will start from Foundation II.
  5. Holders of higher degrees (e.g. M.A./M.Sc/MBA/M.Phil/Ph.D) in relevant disciplines shall begin from PE I.
  6. Holders of higher degrees in other disciplines shall begin from Intermediate II.
  7. Candidates who hold the Associate certificate, by Examination only, of other relevant and recognized Institutes with a Bachelor’s Degree/HND and possess the requisite five credits at Ordinary level shall begin from PE I upon submission and acceptance of the student’s transcript from such Institute.

Examination Fees







N 16,200.00

N 5,500.00


N 12,150.00

N 18,900.00

N 5,500.00


N 13,500.00

N 21,600.00

N 5,000.00


N 14,850.00

N 24,300.00

N 5,000.00


N 16,200.00

N 27,000.00

N 5,800.00



N 29,700.00

N 5,800.00

In addition to the above, you will be required to pay the sum of N6,500.00 only being Acceptance fee. Subsequently as a student member, you will be expected to pay the sum of N4,500.00 as annual dues. Please note that all fees are subject to change at the instance of the Governing Council of the Institute. The Study Packs are mandatory for all students.

Candidates are to prepare for examination by attending lectures at the Institute’s accredited study centers. In addition to lectures, students will find as provided in the syllabus recommended texts for each subject. Also candidates will be provided with customized study packs (for all subjects) at a fee upon registration for each diet of examination. The texts are by no means exhaustiveOn completion of the examination and the final professional requirements, the candidate shall attend the Induction ceremony during which he/she shall be admitted to the grade of Associate.

1. Click on Membership by Examination/Practitioners’/Executive Route.
2. Click “Create Profile”, enter your email address and password and confirm password.
3. Complete the Membership Application Form and upload the required documents.
4. Click Preview and Proceed to Pay.
5. Click submit and proceed to payment.
The cost of application forms are as follows (excluding online and bank charges);
(a) Professional Examination Route: N3,000:00
(b) Practitioners’ Route: N5,000:00
(c) Executive Route: N10,000:00
6. Select either of Interswitch, Visa or E-Tranzact.
(a) For Interswitch or Visa, select your Card Type, enter your Card Number, Expiry Date, Card Pin and Card Verification Number.
If you prefer to pay through bank deposit, follow the steps below for e-tranzact payment.
a. Go through step 1-6 above to know the amount to pay at the bank as calculated by the portal.
b. Pay the total sum for the application form (Bank charges inclusive) at any bank that has E-TRANZACT platform into Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM). You will be given payment receipt that contains “Confirmation Order Number”.
c. On the payment gateway, add your confirmation order number.
7. Click Pay.

CIPM house, CIPM Avenue, off Obafemi Awolowo way
By Lagos state secretariat
Alausa, Ikeja Lagos
P.O. Box 5412
08023033776, 08037167899
07040430203, 017736134
Email: [email protected],